Frequently Asked Questions
What is Difference Between Motorola CM200D vs. CM300D Track Systems? Both the Motorola CM200D and CM300D race track systems feature powerful 25-watt radios designed for long-range communication between the car and crew. The key difference lies in the number of channels: CM200D is 16 channels, the CM300D is 99 channels. The rest of the system, including the handheld radios, headsets, and wiring, are identical for both models. More questions? Please contact us for personal assistance.
Antenna Cable Options: What to Know Both the Motorola CM200D and CM300D race track systems feature powerful 25-watt radios designed for long-range communication between the car and crew. The key difference lies in the number of channels: CM200D is 16 channels, the CM300D is 99 channels. The rest of these systems, including the handheld radios, headsets, and wiring, are identical for both models. More questions? Please contact us for personal assistance.
Short Track vs. Long Track Systems: What’s the Difference? Both Radium P-16D and Motorola R2D Short and Long-Track Systems consists of one 4-watt hand held radio and headset for the crew person, and one 4-watt hand held radio for the car, with the wiring harness, our high-quality patented helmet kit, and ear buds for the driver. The Motorola R2D radios feature 64 channels, while Radium radios feature 32 channels. Both systems operate in both analog and digital modes. The essential difference lies in the antenna: Long Track systems are equipped with an exterior 3dB gain antenna for maximum clarity and range. Short Track systems do not include an exterior antenna. More questions? Please contact us for personal assistance.